Reading Hieroglyphs

Throne Name of Amenhotep III in Hieroglyphs

Lets’s read some hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ!

Today we are going to be looking at the cartouche of the throne name of pharaoh π“‰π“‰» Amenhotep III π“‡‹π“ π“ˆ–π“Š΅π“‹Ύπ“‹†! Amenhotep III π“‡‹π“ π“ˆ–π“Š΅π“‹Ύπ“‹† ruled during the 18th Dynasty and his rule π“‹Ύ was a time of prosperity for Egypt π“†Žπ“…“π“π“Š–, especially in regards to the arts and international influence!

This piece pictured is a reconstruction of the original by the MET – the blue π“‡‹π“Ήπ“π“„Ώπ“Έπ“₯ faience π“‹£π“ˆ–𓏏𓏸𓏼 pieces are original, but the gold π“‹žπ“ƒ‰π“ƒ‰π“ƒ‰ and plaster are not. 

Let’s take a closer look at the symbols in the cartouche: 

π“‡³π“§π“Ž  – Nebmaatra (Possessor of the Truth of Ra or Possessor of the Maat of Ra) 

The β€œπ“‡³ sun disc” symbol is an ideogram for β€œra” or β€œre,” but can also be a determinative in words such as sun, day, and time. The single symbol alone (like in cartouches) would be pronounced like β€œra” or β€œre.”

The β€œπ“§ goddess with a feather” symbol is a determinative in the name of the goddess Maat, and is also an ideogram for Maat. The single symbol alone would be pronounced like β€œMaat.”

The β€œπ“Ž  basket” is a biliteral phonogram symbol that has the sound of β€œnb,” which is inferred to be pronounced like β€œneb.” The π“ŽŸ alone can also mean the word β€œLord,” especially in the titles that come before a pharaoh’s cartouche. 

Now, reading three symbol cartouches can be confusing – sometimes you start with the middle symbol, sometimes you start with the last symbol. There is no way to know for sure – it comes with practice!

Fun Fact: Amenhotep III π“‡‹π“ π“ˆ–π“Š΅π“‹Ύπ“‹† was the father 𓇋𓏏𓀀 of AkhenatenΒ π“‡‹π“π“ˆ–π“‡³π“…œπ“π“ˆ–!